*This is a prebooking transportation service, to ensure availability we advise you to book early as you can before the service date, The last-minute calls are still welcomed but acceptance is depending on our schedule.
Red Eye surcharge of $30 is applicable for Pick-Up times between midnight and 6:00 AM,
Chauffeur’s Gratuity of %10 is included in the price and if you want to give extra tip to the chauffeur it is up to you and we thank you in advance for your generosity.
To book a bus, or book for customized service, please call us or email us at info@aadmirals.com and one of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.
Transportation between Houston Airports, Houston greater area, and Galveston Cruise Port, Galveston Hotels, please book online by clicking on the Houston – Galveston button at the Online Quote & Booking and start from there.
The rate is subject to change at any time without advanced announcement but it will not reflect in the reservations that are under processing or already booked.
Office times: Monday – Sunday 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM.
Special rates may apply during the events seasons and sports games in the Houston greater areas such as Houston rodeo, Christmas lights, new year's night, and big sports games.
You can book online the hourly service for the Houston rodeo on our website. If you are looking for a point-point one-way or round trip for the Houston rodeo, please call us to book by phone because the regular online point-point rates are not valid for Houston rodeo one-way or round trip.
Sessional Events such as Houston Rodeo and Sports games are subject to a minimum service duration of 4 hours.
The rate you received is all-inclusive with no hidden fees.
The top reason is to rent a limousine rather than take a taxi in Houston.

The top reason is to rent a limousine rather than take a taxi in Houston.

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The top reason is to rent a limousine rather than take a taxi in Houston.

By taking a limousine rather than a taxi, you can avoid any possible hassles that come with getting around Houston in a car. See which top five reasons you want to rent one below!

First Reason

The first reason to consider renting a limousine is that taxis can be expensive. Not only will Using a licensed taxi often cost much more than using a limousine, but you can also expect to pay for tolls, parking fees, and other related expenses.

Second Reason

Second, taxis are often cramped and uncomfortable. Few people would enjoy riding in an overcrowded taxi, and you're unlikely to find much legroom in a traditional sedan. Limousines, on the other hand, offer plenty of room both inside and outside the car. Plus, they always have chauffeurs who are trained to handle any situation safely and professionally.

Third Reason

Third, taxis are known for being slow. While this may not be as big of an issue if you're only planning on making a short trip, it will kill your time trying to make a long excursion in Houston. Limousines are designed to get you where you need to go as quickly as possible without sacrificing comfort or safety. 

Fourth Reason

Fourth, taxis often run out of gas or get stuck in traffic. If your journey becomes a waiting game, this could easily lead to an uncomfortable ride. A limousine will always have enough fuel.


So, in conclusion, while taxis may be cheaper upfront, they can often take much longer than limousines to get you where you need to go. Additionally, taxi drivers are often known for needing to be faster and more accommodating. If you're looking for a seamless and pleasant experience, a limousine is a way to go!

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Travel & Transportation

Open Hours

AAdmirals Cars operates 24/7 based on the
prebookings received during the office times.
Online bookings received after 10:00 PM and
before 8:00 AM will be scheduled at 8:30 AM.
Office dispatch:
Monday- Sunday
8:00 AM - 10:00 PM.

Contact Us

8222 Kingsbrook Rd , Houston, TX 77024

17103 Imperial Valley Dr, Houston, TX 77060

+1 (346) 857-4294



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